Useful Links
Contact details for National and Local Support Organisations
Diocese of Arundel and Brighton- our home. Find out more about the diocese here
The Catholic Church Bishops' Conference of England & Wales – www.cbcew.org.uk
Online Catholic Directory -www.CatholicDirectory.org
Sion Community- Lots of stuff going on for young people including mission team, leadership training and youth programme for gap year students.

Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) - featuring Catholic Q and A, a Catholic Document Library, an Audio Library, Catholic News

National Office for Vocations - The National Office for Vocation, opened in September 2002, is an Office of the Bishop's conference of England and Wales that seeks to work collaboratively with other agencies within the Church in order to: Build a culture of vocation in the Church in England and Wales

Radiant Light - Encouragement in the Catholic Faith through the paintings and writings of Elizabeth Wang

Sacred Space - We invite you to spend ten minutes, praying here and now, as you sit at your computer with the help of on-screen guidance and scripture chosen specially every day.

Vatican - the official website of the Vatican including; the papal archive, roman curia, liturgical celebrations, news service and library resource.

ZENIT - an excellent news agency specialising in coverage of the Holy Father, life in the Holy See, and events of interest to the Church.
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